
Specialists in Mechanical Testing and Reliability of Optical Fibers

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If you are having problems operating Fiber Sigma equipment please try the following:

  1. Run Windows Update to make sure your system is updated. Check for updates for non-Fiber Sigma software, such as SigmaPlot.

  2. Download and install the latest version of the Fiber Sigma software.

  3. Make sure all cables are tight and undamaged.

  4. Follow all troubleshooting procedures listed in the Troubleshooting section of the manual for the equipment.

If you are still encountering difficulties please contact us at support@fibersigma.com. Please include the following information with your message:

  1. Version of the Fiber Sigma software you are using.

  2. Full details of the problem you are encountering including the sequence of events that lead up to the problem.

  3. Copies of any output data files that you think might be relevant.

  4. If the problem involves software, it is very useful to include screen shots with your message. Press Ctrl-PrtScrn to copy the current window to the clipboard. You can then paste the image into your message.

  5. It is often useful to include digital photographs of the hardware to show the status of the LEDs.


You can download the latest version of the Fiber Sigma software here...


Operating manuals can be downloaded here...


Support Bulletins

We keep a repository of support bulletins that announce products design changes, equipment usage notices, etc.. Click here to view the bulletins.


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